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Attendance - It s Important


Why Regular Attendance Matters:

  • Key Academic Concepts are being covered EVERYDAY!
  • Time on task on a DAILY basis is needed to learn basic academics
  • ONE missed day of school = as many as THREE days of catch up for a child to learn all that was missed (e.g., miss 9 days of school a year = a month of schooling lost)
  • The HABIT of going to school is lie learning to go to work - it's a child's job
  • School attendance lays the foundation for whether a children will graduate or drop-out from high school.

    What can I do?

  • Value education and give it a high priority in your family. Convey a positive attitude about school.  Let your child know that education is the key that will open many doors in the future unlike any other key.
  • Get involved with your child's school - through volunteering, communicating with the teacher frequently, checking homework.  If it is important to you, it will be important to them.
  • Make doctor appointments on days when school is closed or after/before school.